
A TimeZone is an abstract type that represents information regarding a specific time zone. Typically you will create an instance of a TimeZone by passing in a zone name to the convenience constructor TimeZone:

julia> TimeZone("Europe/Warsaw")
Europe/Warsaw (UTC+1/UTC+2)

You can also create a TimeZone by using a tz string macro:

julia> tz"Europe/Warsaw"
Europe/Warsaw (UTC+1/UTC+2)

To see all of the currently available time zone names:



A ZonedDateTime is a time zone aware version of a DateTime (in Python parlance). Note that all ZonedDateTime instances will always be in the correct zone without requiring manual normalization (unlike Python's pytz module).

To construct a ZonedDateTime instance you just need a DateTime and a TimeZone:

julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(2014,1,1), tz"Europe/Warsaw")

julia> ZonedDateTime(2014, 1, 1, tz"Europe/Warsaw")


A VariableTimeZone is a concrete type that is a subtype of TimeZone that has offsets that change depending on the specified time. We've already seen an example of a VariableTimeZone: "Europe/Warsaw"

julia> warsaw = tz"Europe/Warsaw"
Europe/Warsaw (UTC+1/UTC+2)

julia> typeof(warsaw)

julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(2014,1,1), warsaw)

julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(2014,6,1), warsaw)

From the above example you can see that the offset for this time zone differed based upon the DateTime provided. An unfortunate side effect of having the offset change over time results in some difficulties in working with dates near the transitions. For example when working with a DateTime that occurs during the "spring forward" transition will result in a NonExistentTimeError:

julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(2014,3,30,1), warsaw)

julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(2014,3,30,2), warsaw)
ERROR: DateTime 2014-03-30T02:00:00 does not exist within Europe/Warsaw

julia> ZonedDateTime(DateTime(2014,3,30,3), warsaw)

Alternatively, working with a DateTime that occurs during the "fall back" transition results in a AmbiguousTimeError. Providing additional parameters can deal with the ambiguity:

julia> dt = DateTime(2014,10,26,2)

julia> ZonedDateTime(dt, warsaw)
ERROR: Local DateTime 2014-10-26T02:00:00 is ambiguous

julia> ZonedDateTime(dt, warsaw, 1)  # first occurrence of the duplicate hour

julia> ZonedDateTime(dt, warsaw, 2)  # second occurrence of the duplicate hour

julia> ZonedDateTime(dt, warsaw, true)  # use the hour which is in daylight saving time

julia> ZonedDateTime(dt, warsaw, false)  # use the hour which is not in daylight saving time

When working with dates prior to the year 1900 you may notice that the time zone offset includes minutes or even seconds. These kind of offsets are normal:

julia> ZonedDateTime(1879, 1, 1, warsaw)

Alternatively, when using future dates past the year 2038 will result in an error:

julia> ZonedDateTime(2039, warsaw)
ERROR: TimeZone Europe/Warsaw does not handle dates on or after 2038-03-28T01:00:00 UTC

It is possible to have timezones that work beyond 2038 but it since these dates are in the future it is possible the timezone rules may change and will not be accurate.


A FixedTimeZone is a concrete type that is a subtype of TimeZone that has a single offset for all of time. An example of this kind of time zone is: "UTC"

julia> typeof(TimeZone("UTC"))

Unlike a VariableTimeZone there are no issues with offsets changing over time because with a FixedTimeZone the offset never changes. If you need a FixedTimeZone that is not provided by the tz database you can manually construct one:

FixedTimeZone("FOO", -6 * 3600)  # 6 hours in seconds

Constructing a ZonedDateTime works similarly to VariableTimeZone:

julia> ZonedDateTime(1960, 1, 1, tz"UTC")